We offer Thomson TRS Radar parts and components that function as Early Warning/EW Radar and Ground Control Interception/GCI Radar. This radar is able to display data on azimuth, distance and altitude of the detected target and can work in all weather, both day and night.
This radar has the ability to:
Max Detection Range: 510 km
Max Altitude Detect: 30,500 meters
Data update rate: 10 seconds
Coverage altitude: -3 to +30°
TRS-2215 . Antenna
Dimensions: span 5 m x height 5.5 m
Aperture: azimuth 1.5°; 1.3-3.6° altitude
Gain: 38.5 dB
Beamwidth (3dB): 1.5° (azimuth); 2-4° (elevation)
TRS 2230 . Antenna
Gain: 40 dB
Beamwidth (3 dB): 1.5° (azimuth); 1.3-3.6° (elevation)
Polarization: circular, fixed
Rotation speed: 6 rpm.
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